The Central Valley’s Leader In Asphalt Services

RMR Inc has been providing quality Asphalt Services in the Tulare, Kings, and Fresno Counties area for more than 40 years. We offer a variety of Asphalt and repaving solutions for commercial and personal service. We can also protect your paved asphalt surface with a liquid sealant when needed. This will save you thousands of dollars down the road.

ADA Compliance

The Americans with Disabilities Act is a law that protects people with disabilities. RMR Inc helps get your facilities in compliance.


If untreated, asphalt cracks can lead to potholes. RMR Inc professionals have been providing superior service for over 30 years. Asphalt patching reduces your liability from damage, injury claims, stops damage from spreading, and fills low spots that retain water.


For the best concrete contractors in Tulare, Kings and Fresno counties you’ve come to the right place. RMR Inc has been in business since 1979. We get the job done right the first time so that your property will last. We install custom concrete steps and stairs, patios and walkways.

Hot Pour Crack Filling

Hot Pour Crack Filling extends the life and quality of your asphalt.  We are the leaders in asphalt maintenance and only use the best material to insure the life of your property.

Line Striping

A well-marked parking lot is an important feature of a shopping center, urban park, church, apartment building, industrial park, or factory.

New Paving

RWith over 40 years in the business we are proud to be the best and most trusted paving and asphalt repair professionals in the business.

Seal Coating

Think of seal coating as a preventative maintenance for your asphalt; similar to how you paint your home to keep the weather from deteriorating the wood.

Slurry Seal

Selecting the right kind of sealant for your property is an important decision. RMR Inc can help you decide on the best option for you.